
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Of Mice and Men

Here's a 'tail' for you.

Preface: Last night, I had a headache, so I went to bed around 11pm. The other girls in the room were still up to stuff, so the light was on. Our country director, Ari was sitting in the bottom bunk, on her laptop, and suddenly starts screaming. A mouse had climbed up from the floor, onto her bed, and up her arm. Squeak? Obviously I woke up... and probably around 10 minutes later, Ari was opening her backpack and there was another scream. The mouse crawled out of her backpack, and ran under Haley's bed, where somehow I had left some of my cookies, which got thrown away immediately. I tucked in my mosquito net extra tight, with the new knowledge that mice could climb up beds...

Today: I was just getting ready to go wash my underwear (We have people that come to wash our clothes, but they won't wash our underwear; we have to do that ourselves), and pulled out a cliff bar out of my food suitcase. When I got outside I was about to open it, when I realized that there was a large uneven rip in the side, and a chunk of the bar was missing. So I went back into my room, looked in the suitcase, and realized the bag that was holding all the cliff bars had a big hole too, which looked like someone had been biting at it. Then I found granola bars, fruit roll-ups, and other such bars all with rips and bites and missing chunks. Crap. (Literally, because thats what i found next- poop). Poop on the duct tape, poop on my cracker box... Lots of tiny little poopies. I searched the whole suitcase, and luckily the mouse had left the scene of the crime, because I think I might have had a heart attack. I had to throw away a lot of my food... So hopefully I dont get some mouse disease.

You know what happens when you give a mouse a cookie. He wants your fruit rollups, and your granola bars, and your cliff bars, and your crackers and your-...

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